GMB North West & Irish Region
27 February 2015

Does Fracking pose health risks?

Recently New York State banned fracking altogether after the Public Health Commissioner there found "serious health risks".  Breast Cancer UK has concerns about potentially adverse health effects of increased exposure to harmful chemicals that may occur as a result of fracking.  In Britain, the Public Health England report that gave fracking the green light was publishes before much of the evidence was available.

The other question top consider is will it reduce bills?

Another early promise from fracking companies is that it would reduce our energy bills, a line that is now used less and less by the industry.  However, Cuadrilla admitted that any impact on bills would be "basically insignificant" and claims from Breitling Energy, a US shale company that fracking would "lower energy bills for millions" in the UK were found to be "misleading" by the Advertising Standards Authority.

You can share your views on Fracking by completing our short survey here.