GMB Young Members on Mental Health interview John Halligan from the TUC

GMB Young Members on Mental Health interview John Halligan from the TUC

8 February 2016

"The GMB Regional Education Dept is holding one of many 1-day workshops on Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace on 29th February at Regional Office in Liverpool. The workshop covers issues such as workplace conditions, employers response, options for reps and an introduction to Mental Health First Aid training.

Recently GMB Young Members interviewed John Halligan from the North West TUC, who will be leading the GMB workshop, about mental health at work and what GMB members and Workplace Reps can do to raise awareness and provide support in their workplaces. Below is a short preview of the interview.

If you are a GMB member and/or Workplace Rep and want to learn more about mental health at work, help raise awareness and provide more support in your workplace, please watch the video below and talk to your GMB Branch about attending the next future Mental Health Awareness Workshops."

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(Preview) GMB Young Members Chat to North West TUC's John Halligan on Mental Health at Work