GMB Knowsley K28 branch update about winter gritting
7 May 2019

A number of issues were raised by members which we attempted to iron out with management, some agreements were met swiftly, however, there was still one major issue that we couldn't get agreement on in relation to the rest periods which stood at 7 hours. We consulted GMB members who made it clear to us that the rest period was not sufficient and wanted it to be extended in order to maintain work-life balance we also raised health and safety concerns not just to our members but also the residents of Knowsley.

As you will be aware Knowsley GMB have worked alongside other unions in resolving issues around the working arrangements for the winter gritting service.We were unable to reach an agreement so we again met with members to update them on the standstill position and agreement was reached that we should lodge a formal collective dispute.

At this point, we consulted other trade union colleagues and put together a statement of case that we needed to provide. As far as the branch is concerned a collective dispute is the last resort so as a final attempt to break the deadlock GMB regional officer Michael Clark met with senior management to try and resolve this matter. I am pleased to report that the major sticking point for members has now been resolved and that management has moved from the 7 hours rest period to 9 hours.

We have met with our members to inform them of the proposal which was accepted along with all the other agreements proposed such as

  • Back payments

  • Increase to the standby payment

  • £25 call out payment which will be paid to 2 operatives who volunteer to work on a new, additional rota to service the Anfield contract.

  • All future rates to increase annually with future NJC pay awards

I would personally like to record my thanks to the GMB Reps and GMB members for their support and cooperation during this journey, equally, thank you to the North West and Irish Region, particularly Michael Clark for his input.

update by GMB Knowsley Branch K28

GMB North West & Irish Region