Public Sector Pay Announcement by GMB
15 June 2017

Further to the GMB NJC Conference which took place 13 June 2017 at GMB National Office, all Regions present updated the conference on the regional consultations carried out. The general consensus was to keep the pay claim for 2018/19 succinct.

Headlines of the claim are as follows:

1.   5% Increase on all NJC Pay Points

2.   The deletion of NJC pay points SCP 6-9 to reach the Resolution Foundation Living Wage of £8.45 (UK) and £9.75 (London)

Full details of the pay claim are attached (Appendix 1). Please note the NJC Pay Claim for 2018/19 was presented to the Local Government Employers today (14/06/17). Following the meeting the Trade Union Side agreed to write to Theresa May PM, Sajid Javid DCLG Minister & Phillip Hammond Chancellor. Letters are attached (Appendix 2).


A joint trade union press release has been issued. To view the press release follow link:

In addition a blog has also been published on the Public Sector Pay Campaign. You can read the blog at:


Planning is now underway to step up the political campaign. A model motion for local authorities is being prepared and a schedule of campaign days is being worked out. In addition we hope the regions will continue to support the Pay Pinch Campaign and continue to push the petition calling for an end to the pay pinch.



In conclusion please download a bulletin for members (download here). Please note this pay claim applies to England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The GMB Public Services Section continues to meet with the regions to discuss the Pay Pinch Campaign and we will endeavour to support regions in mobilising members covered by this claim. We hope the summer campaign will assist regions to consolidate their membership.

Please do contact me directly if you need to discuss anything further.

GMB National Secretary

Public Services Section