GMB North West & Irish Region
1 February 2013

The introduction of a cap on pensionable pay will erode past and future benefits by at least 20% and up to 40% for younger scheme members.

High level discussions have been taking place over the past few months at the company’s St Helens headquarters between management and trade unions after the company forecast a possible deficit of £326m in the Pilkington Superannuation scheme (PSS).
Under the Company’s proposal, individual’s pension benefits would be eroded by virtue of not receiving increases in pensionable pay after March 2013.  (As actual pay increases the amount linked to pensions would be frozen).  Therefore, the younger you are in the PSS scheme the worse it would be.  In some cases it could reduce final pensionable pay by between 20-40%.  This draconian step is being resisted by the GMB.  Not only does it erode future benefits it also has an impact on past benefits i.e. accrued pension.
The Company has also recently announced the closures of 2 European plants and also closures in what they class as their “downstream” businesses.  Sites are being closed in Basingstoke and Aintree with the loss of 90 jobs.
The GMB has over 500 members In St Helens where the Company has announced a reduction of 33 jobs at Watson Street Works and 87 jobs at Float Works (which comprises of Greengate and the Cowley Hill sites).  This situation has been brought about by a drop for demand within the Float Glass market and also a collapse in Solar Glass. 
GMB Senior Organiser Charlie Leonard said: “It has to be said that the Company is suffering financially and at this moment in time is making heavy losses.  Nonetheless, in terms of the redundancies, the GMB is determined to reduce and mitigate the impact of job cuts and to resist compulsory redundancies.
In terms of the pension proposals, even though the manufacturing outlook is gloomy, our members are prepared to stand up and fight against these detrimental and draconian proposals to reduce their pensions.  We are presently undergoing a consultative ballot of our members within Pilkington Glass to see whether or not they want to accept or reject the Company’s proposals on pensions.  This could well lead to a ballot for industrial action if the Company does not change its position.  The GMB is determined to ensure that our members’ pensions and jobs are protected”
For further details contact Charlie Leonard: