Anti Austerity Rally in Manchester
GMB North West & Irish Region

Paul McCarthy representing the GMB at the Anti Austerity protest in Manchester

“Nothing is sacred on the altar of privatisation and greed” Paul McCarthy tells the Manchester Rally & Demo at the Tory Conference

Addressing the rally against Austerity in Manchester on Sunday, GMB Regional Secretary Paul McCarthy recalled the ‘Peterloo Massacre’ of 1819 where up the road from that very spot innocent protesters were killed and maimed for protesting against austerity and for greater democracy.  Those events ultimately led to the birth of the trade union movement, but Paul pointed out how:

“We are in danger of coming full circle with attacks on the young, disabled and those who are most vulnerable in society by the Tories who are hell bent on destroying the welfare system, our NHS our education system, our fire services and the rest of the public services and the staff that work there.

We have more child poverty, food banks and deaths from WP assessments than we’ve ever had.  More people are homeless and council house building is non-existent with a Tory party who are bankrupt on social and economic policy.” 

He continued:

“We now have a chance to change, with the election of Jeremy Corbyn which has brought new life into us and the alternative to the continuation of Tory austerity and job cuts would be to tax and collect from the greedy bastards, all of our services can be protected, we can educate and run the NHS and a welfare state.  We can renationalise the railways and build a society to live in based on equality and fairness”.

GMB members from across the country joined over 60.000 trade unionists and supporters in protesting against the government’s austerity programme and attacks on Trade Union rights at the Conservative party Conference in Manchester on Sunday.